Causes of HPV
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that can be spread through direct skin-to-skin contact or sexual intercourse. There is also a chance to be infected indirectly by contact with door handles, handrails and other public facilities. More than a hundred of HPV types have been identified and around 40 types wound infect the genital and anal areas through sexual intercourse, anal sex or other genital skin-to- skin contact. Such kind of HPVs are called Genital HPV, which are categorized to low risk and high risk. Some HPVs are transmitted through oral sex, and result in oral or upper respiratory lesions. HPVs caused by skin to skin contact will lead to skin warts on the body like hands and feet, but they are not harmful to health. HPV that is caused by sexual intercourse can be divided into the groups of low-risk and high risk. Most people who become infected with HPV do not know they have it as they do not develop symptoms.
According to the information listed from “Centre for Health Protection”, sexually active men and women have a 75% lifetime risk of infecting the HPV virus.